Sniper film ‘stoking Islamophobia’

American Sniper

Sniper film ‘stoking Islamophobia’


I wonder what is stoking more Islamaphobia; the film American Sniper or, I don’t know… beheadings?  Isn’t Islamaphobia fear?  Don’t terror organizations like ISIS and Al Quada have a principal goal of creating fear with their attacks?  Perhaps the further spread of this violence in the Charlie Hebdo attacks has something to do with the stoking of Islamaphobia?

Nah, it is probably just American Sniper.

Give the enemy credit; they have been successful in their quest to spread terror around the globe according to the media.  Also, according to the media, there has been a surge in ‘Islamaphobia’.  So if I understand this correctly; the mass media whose main job is to provide the masses with a belief system since many don’t have their own is telling people about the acts that cause the fear that creates the Islamaphobia.  It makes you wonder if terrorism would be possible without mass media?  One could further question the actual objectives of the media with their depiction of anything, but this is nothing new.

What is truly disgusting is the way the media likes to play this ridiculous game of Tic Tac Toe with the millions of idiots in our society who think X or O has a better chance of winning; but doing it with the life of an American hero who was taken way to early in life.  The success of the movie has some how led to well publicized idiotic tweets from the likes of Jabba The Liberal Michael Moore and Captain Shitty Analogy Seth Rogen.  If that isnt bad enough, this article and others like it are claiming the movie is a catalyst for more Islamaphobia.  Apparently the daily acts of terrorism around the globe, terrorists creating their own state, terrorists gunning down journalists, have little to do with the rise of Islamaphobia.  The reality is  Islamaphobia in and of itself is media contrived issue.

To be clear, Michael Moore is an ‘American Disgrace’.  The mass media as exemplified by this article need to go fuck themselves.  For those who say this movie glorifies war I would be interested in knowing exactly what scenes do that?  Was it the scene where his first kills are a child and a woman?  I didn’t see anyone run out of the theatre early to join the military after that scene.   How about his return home and some of his struggles with having to adjust to everyday life and the stress on his marriage?  Did that seem like the kind of post military life that will drive up enrollment numbers? Was his death at the hands of a mentally ill veteran supposed to be the cherry on the cake of those recruiting videos?

We live in a society that likes to play Monday Morning Quarterback on every topic under the sun; but when it results in disparaging the memory of a man who repeatedly put his life on the line in the service of this country it goes to far. Perhaps a little thought about the family of Chris Kyle whose death is still fresh in their minds having to listen to the ridiculous shit in this article, Michael Moore, or the other celebrity ass – hats who should realize the only thing they should say about Chris Kyle or any other veteran is “Thank you for your service”.

3 comments on “Sniper film ‘stoking Islamophobia’

  1. mrdaddoty85 says:

    …………………well, I am disappointed . I was regarding you as an intelligent individual who look at events, nationally and internationally, without biased. But your clear failure to recognize every persons free will, in or out of the military, points to a nationalistic view that cannot be objective. I sure you have come across the saying” morality is doing what is right regardless of your orders. Servitude is doing what your ordered regardless of what is right”. In life you can be a servant or a moral person.

    To glorify the troops for doing the will of morally corrupt greedy banker’s and oil barons is not just naive, but down right tragic. If you support a man, don’t send him to a war of lies to die. To widow and orphan a generation. To create a era of ptsd homeless vets the government doesn’t give a shit about is not how to “support our troops”.

    You want to glorify someone? Look at people who speak truth. Who point to the lies that started and perpetuate the wars. Who demand accountability for the deaths on both sides of this evil and illegal conflict. These people do not want one more American soldier to set foot on foreign soil to kill and be killed for profit. These people support our troops.

    To end on a note of your blatant overlooking of facts. This particular soldier is not just a know lier, but a convicted one. Anyone with a shred of morality who read his book would recognize a psychopathic murderer. To rise any, let alone this man, to hero status because of actions while invading a foreign nation is not looking at the truth. You can only focus on what the MSM, government and Hollywood are propagating as realty.

    Oh and about the Kyle family. They are crooks. Look up how much they made on all the media deals and how much they “pledged” to give to charity(specifically for vets) and what really happened.



    • gltalcott says:

      The source of war, the corruption of government and big business, the issues of morality and values one has an obligation to follow regardless of orders are far from the point of the post. Let’s break it down:

      1) The article is associating this movie with fostering a greater sense of Islamaphobia yet they said nothing when the book was a best seller. The movie is no more responsible for stoking Islamaphobia than Al Gore is responsible for creating the internet.

      2) Michael Moore can say whatever he wants, but it should make sense. (Paraphrasing ) He labeled snipers cowards as his uncle was killed by one in WWII. He goes on to say unless they are fighting on roofs against the who came from 7000 miles away, then you are brave…

      I don’t know how far his uncle flew before he got killed by a sniper, maybe it was less than 7000 miles, but a mathematical error doesn’t change the fact he was taught that snipers were cowards and heroes in the same thought. That makes his statement stupid, in addition to its short comings on the appropriateness side. If Michael Moore, or you for that matter had an issue with Chris Kyle you should have taken it up with him while he was alive. He was a fairly public figure, not hard to find.

      3) Seth Rogen ‘ s comment in drawing any parallel between Inglorious Bastards and American Sniper as a propaganda film is insulting to anyone who ever decided not to join the military. It dumbs down the decision, kind of like the opening of your rant. Everybody has free will to join the military as we no longer have a draft, but that wasn’t always the case. Regardless, whether or not ones morality is in tact upon returning from war is not for me to decide.

      Frankly I don’t see how anybody can claim that moral authority which is largely where your rant lost any credibility. Barring you claiming you are a sovereign citizen and don’t pay any tax, than you can vote or note vote. You can support or not support the government. You can say and do whatever you want, but every taxpayer in this country has paid for the actions the country has taken in their name. End of story. Michael Moore paid more to have Muslims killed as a product of his larger payments to the system than either or us combined. Chew on that one for a bit. Dollars make the world go round and it starts with the withholding on your paycheck every two weeks.

      Nationalism has nothing to do with it. I actually wrote in Ron Paul on my ballot. Taking Michael Moore to task for the fact his tweet makes no logical sense has nothing to do with my stance politically let alone my intellectual capacity which is one of the many things you aren’t qualified to judge.

      Lastly, are you somehow throwing your hat in the ring on who has done more for vets with your final claim on the Kyle family and some money they owe vets? I am unaware of what they promised vs paid. Nor am I aware of the legal structures put in place for tax purposes to facilitate any large donations. Given the money they earned should be treated tax sensitively there may be some period of time between all the money they receive and it’s distribution. I really don’t know, you apparently know enough to call them crooks and at the same time claim some level of moral superiority to them as well. It is hard for me to fathom where the definition of morality ends and you begin.
      Are you the one who should be glorified for speaking the truth? Calling out government and corporate corruption and connecting the dots of who really is the ‘wizard of Oz’ is neither unique or productive in and of itself.

      What are you doing to help the vets your government doesn’t care about? I don’t see your passionate rant making a difference in the life on any vet anytime soon, certainly not enough to insult the Kyle family’s contributions.

      Your thoughts on servitude and morality would be a worthy debate, if it wasn’t for the fact the debate would be held between servants; that is unless you are in the 1% and even they serve something.


  2. mrdaddoty85 says:

    I apologize. My comment was pure ego.

    I got hung up on the last paragraph where you defend the military and the Kyle family. Your opinion is yours.

    I am in no place to question or jude your intelligence.

    Again I apologize for being an ass.


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